
Showing posts from July, 2016

Unity. Compassion. Love. Kahn on Meet the Press.

Speaking from the heart. Connecting with love and compassion. A call to stand united.  #MelsLoveLand

What Can I Do? Greatness. Service. Love. Right Now.

Everyone can be great Because everyone can serve You don’t have to have a degree to serve You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve You only need a heart full of grace A soul generated by love. Words by Martin Luther King Jr. on a faded piece of copy paper hanging blue thumbtacked to the office cubicle wall permeate the day in and day out efforts that unfold as these Angels work within the boundaries of a system pushed to its limits stretching where they can and living in a practice of humanity where everyone is treated with respect. Where the difficulties of circumstance continue to grow but who never stop believing a kind word, a practice of service and an action of love  can transform someone’s life. Make today a day where you brighten someone's day.  Be great in your actions and your efforts. With Infinite Love and Gratitude

The Power of Forgiveness in Action.

America's need for Atonement: 'God shall not be mocked' means simply that He isn't. — Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) July 14, 2016

First Principles. Do No Harm. Do Unto Others. Leave it Better Than You Found It.

As we achieve a collective gridlock in beliefs, ideologies, passions, fundamentals, and opinions the only choice left is to go into the deeper conversation. There's a Latin phrase that represents a foundational element of the healing arts, medicine, and the sciences, Primum non nocere -- "First, do no harm." Entering any situation with this simple thought sets the stage for compassion and connection. The end of what separates us and the beginning of a humanistic approach is in our sites because we have no other options. Our goals are the same no matter who we are or what we believe, and the great news is, if our intention is that we "First, do no harm" to ourselves and others it's easier to find common ground. It is a time to take action in our communities. To be kinder, more loving, more forgiving, to go out of your way to connect to the angels of your better nature and clean house, clean up and clean out what needs clearing. Moving to the next logical asso

Power and Love and Justice. Today is the day to Kick Up the Love Quotient.

Power without #love is reckless and abusive, and love without #power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of #justice and #justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love. #mlk Martin Luther King Jr. #melsloveland #wisdom #vbs A photo posted by Melanie Lutz (@crazylemonlove) on Jul 5, 2016 at 9:33am PDT

Celebrate all the Wonders Expanding Before You.

A world of possibilities is open to you. You are relaxed and at ease, you can recognize new beginnings and opportunities as they present themselves, sometimes even before others can see them. Because you are in tune with your own nature, you understand that existence is providing you with exactly what you need.  Experiences are being created for your highest good. Enjoy the fullness of complete imaginal possibility.  Celebrate all the wonders expanding before you. Fly like an eagle above the fray of your life giving yourself a Google earth view. Honor the teachers who demonstrate the beauty of the butterfly and showcase the possibility of flight.  In each moment lives infinite possibility unhinged of the past opening up the world we are celebrating the power that lives within each of us to rise up. Enjoy all of it. Enjoy today. Enjoy yourself. Remember the principles of freedom and inspiration laid forth and rise into faith and openness  step more deeply into your inner powerfulness be

A Reading of the Declaration of Independence.

Thomas Jefferson intended for the Declaration of Independence to be performed, thankfully we have this random collection of artists gathered to read from the text.  It is as inspiring today as it was when the words came together in Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia. Enjoy this informative spin on the experience with Morgan Freeman - then check out the time capsule collection of celebrities reading the masterwork. Several artists read from the declaration of independence.  Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. - Thomas Jefferson Full text-- The Declaration of Independence In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the op

Declaration of Love.

In light of all that is happening and in celebration of the days ahead the single greatest action we can take is that of loving ourselves and sharing that love in the form of a declaration of our planets independence from fear. Let us declare love, today and every day. Let’s make today our declaration of love, day. Let us declare love on those whose actions we feel have hurt us or transgressed us in some way, because these are the people who need love the most, who feel alienated, whose cries have gone unanswered in the space of our humanity, who feel disconnected unheard and/or unseen. Let us offer love as a blessing to these folks who need it most, feeling it first in our hearts and then extending it outward without reserve. Love extended is love received because loving source is your birthright. Let us declare love on our communities, as we are all interconnected. In declaring love in this way our communities flourish in the light of love, for what is seen with love never changes an